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The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) of Kenya plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the energy and petroleum sectors operate efficiently, safely, and within the confines of the Law. Our compliance surveillance efforts are designed to monitor, evaluate, and enforce adherence to the Law and in particular the Energy Act, 2019, the Petroleum Act, 2019, its subsidiary legislations and related regulations, thereby safeguarding the interests of consumers, stakeholders, and the environment.

Objectives of Compliance Surveillance

1. Ensure Safety: Protecting public health and safety by ensuring that all energy and petroleum operations comply with safety standards.

2. Environmental Protection: Monitoring activities to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainable practices.

3. Consumer Protection: Safeguarding consumer interests by ensuring fair practices and preventing exploitation.

4. Market Integrity: Promoting transparency and fair competition within the energy and petroleum markets.

Key Areas of Surveillance

Licensing and Permits: Ensuring that all operators in the energy and petroleum sectors hold the necessary licenses and permits as mandated by law. This includes the verification of documentation and adherence to licensing conditions.

1. Operational Standards: Regular inspections and audits to verify that operation meet established technical and safety standards.

2. Environmental Compliance: Monitoring compliance with environmental regulations to ensure that energy and petroleum activities do not adversely affect the environment.

3. Quality Control: Verifying that the products supplied to the market meet the required quality standards. This involves testing samples of petroleum products, electricity, and other energy sources to ensure they conform to the prescribed specifications.

4. Pricing and Tariffs: Monitoring pricing structures and tariffs to prevent overcharging and ensure that pricing is fair and transparent.

Compliance Surveillance Activities

1. Inspections: Conducting routine and random inspections of facilities, operations, and processes. Audits may be performed to review records and documentation for compliance.

2. Monitoring and Reporting

3. Investigations: Initiating investigations into suspected non-compliance based on reports from inspections, audits, or complaints from the public. Investigations may lead to enforcement actions if violations are confirmed.

4. Enforcement Actions: Instituting criminal action, imposing penalties, fines, or other corrective measures on operators found to be in violation of regulations. In cases of serious breach of the law, licenses may be suspended or revoked.

5. Public Engagement: Educating the public and stakeholders about regulatory requirements and compliance issues. This includes disseminating information on best practices and promoting transparency through public disclosures.

Reporting Non-Compliance

EPRA encourages the public, industry stakeholders, and employees to report any suspected non-compliance or unethical practices. Reports can be made through our communication channels. All reports are treated with confidentiality, and whistle-blowers are protected under the law.